
Welcome to our official website

Dear Colleagues, 

The Hellenic Salivary Glands Society (HSGS) was founded in 2011 in Thessaloniki, Greece from scientists with a special interest in salivary gland disorders. The aim of this society is the collaboration and scientific exchange between different specialties dealing with these disorders. This is a multidisciplinary society having members from all over Greece and many specialties such as: Otorhinolaryngologists, Radiologists, Pathologists, Maxillofacial surgeons, Oral physicians, Nuclear medicine, Rheumatologists, Pediatricians, Biochemistry scientists etc. The HSSG plan is the international collaboration with similar societies being an active member of the European and International Salivary Gland Societies.

Our intention is this website to be the beginning of an effective discussion and scientific controversies which will be the basis for better patient’s management and high quality research in this field of medicine. 

I personally invite all colleagues with the same ambitions and scientific interests to become members of our society contributing to the success of our events. 

The website provides information for Doctors and patients, it covers all the events under the auspices of the society and has a nice photo and video gallery open for our members.

Kind regards
Jannis Constantinidis
Professor in Otorhinolaryngology
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

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